
Activetcl 8.5.9
Activetcl 8.5.9

activetcl 8.5.9

The older version was not automatically changing the suffix to.

activetcl 8.5.9

This file has also been updated to fix a File Save HTML help page bug. This file has also been updated to fix the Boundary Condition Bug in which 1.0 and -1.0 were returning the wrong answer for both the FRAC and INT functions. (When the "Encode programs in UTF-16 (LE)" checkbox is CHECKED) This file has also been updated to fix the Unicode Save Bug mentioned elsewhere in this thread. When you unzip this file into your HP-15C source directory (overwriting your existing HP-15C.tcl file) it will fix the FRACT and INT bugs. Torsten calls this release 3402 so I named the zip file 3402.zip. Or you can download freewrap which allows you to compile the TCL/TK source into a windows 64-bit executable from this site: You can download the free "Community Edition" of TCL/TK for windows (wish program) at this web site: This "source" will not run in native windows systems so it isn't as nice as the annual releases found on Torsten's web site, but those who use linux, or have the necessary tools installed on their windows computers, can make use of it (wish or freewrap). Well as he always does, Torsten came up with a much more elegant solution to this bug than my first attempt, so I am attaching his official source release here. I promised that if Torsten got back to me with his official bug fix for this issue, that I would post an update to this forum. What is going on here? Am I making a mistake somewhere? Or is this a bug? 9876543210 returns 5 as the first prime factor. Now to the unexpected behaviour with this 15C simulator. Similarly 9876543210 returns several 2s although it only contains one. For example 3333333333 returns a 2 as the first prime factor. In such an event, the number might look divisable by a factor, where in fact it is not.

activetcl 8.5.9

This beeing the flaw in the program as mentioned in the topic. For larger numbers it can come up with wrong results, because the fractional part (extracted in line 20 from the divison) might get rounded off. It works for natural numbers with a maximum of 9 digits. I calculates the prime factorization for a given number (Enter the number and execute LBL A).

Activetcl 8.5.9